Thursday, June 26, 2008

i finally saw George Michael in concert

tonight at the L.A. forum ... and let me just say that i would $@#& %!*# for another set of tickets to his next show.

ewe, i'm totally kidding... but the concert was fucking fantastic! i now melt over british accents ... and deep, sexy voices.

George Michael's voice is heaven.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


another one i have to hand to la leyenda... Legends don't have birthdays, we have COLMs - Celebration Of Life Month... and for me, that's June...

Monday, June 9, 2008

the most fucked up thing about men

men absolutely do not want to be treated like meat (if a woman treats a man like meat, he will be completely turned off and worse, his dick will go on strike)... but to men, it is perfectly ok to treat women like meat... ok to the point that it doesn't even strike them that they are doing it.

and that double standard my friends, is the most fucked up thing about guys.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

they just like the chase

la leyenda explained it best ... "it's like the stray cat that comes by your door because you put out some milk. but then as soon as you go out to try to pet it, it runs away." ... he'd rather be out chasing a mouse.
lesson: stay away from stray cats... at least if you value your time, your energy, and ultimately yourself.
instead, go to the local animal shelter, and adopt a puppy.....
puppies want to be loved.